Privacy Policy | GDPR

Privacy Policy | GDPR


Starting with May 25, 2018, EU Regulation no. 679/2016, known as the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR), which basically says that the information we hold about customers is confidential information and cannot circulate freely or be publicly accessed.

1. Collection of personal data:

We request certain personal data if you wish to contact our team in order to contract the services we offer, either as an individual or on behalf of a company, by using the contact form.

2. The type of personal data we collect and for what purpose:

    • Name – we collect this information as a result of your filling out the contact form.
    • Email – we collect this information to be able to respond to your request to be contacted.
    • Telephone number – we collect this information to be able to contact you if you use the contact form and provide us with your telephone number.
    • IP Address – by default, every time you visit a website, your IP address is collected and stored on a server. We do not use it for any purpose.

3. From whom we collect personal data:

  • Directly from you, when you contact us by phone.
  • Electronically, using the contact form on our page or by e-mail.

4. The provision of personal data is:

  • Voluntary, without considering the subsequent conclusion of a commercial relationship

5. The processing of personal data takes place in the following situations:

  • When there is a request from clients/potential clients (verbal or written request).
  • When we receive a request for an offer, regardless of how it was sent (by email, contact form, verbally).

6. Purpose of personal data processing:

  • Your data will be processed only for the purposes mentioned in point 2. of this information.
  • If your data will have to be processed for purposes other than those presented in point 2, we will inform you before processing them, and they will only be processed with your consent.

7. Cookies:

  • Cookies are fragments of information that the site transfers to users in order to keep records. While you are on a website, cookies save your preferences and thus make browsing the web easier. Most websites use cookies. These are not used to store personal information, they show us how and when visitors use the site, and help us see which areas are popular and which are not.
  • We use cookies (special texts) for a good evaluation of the behavior of users on our websites in order to offer marketing services correctly and so that the user can benefit from all the facilities of the website he is visiting (form of shopping, online store, etc., depending on the specifics of the website). the information we collect through cookies and transparent gifs to create a “profile” of your preferences.
  • You can disable cookies using your browser preferences. Thus, you can set the browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is sent. However, we would like to inform you that, when cookies are disabled, it is very possible that certain functionalities of the website cannot be used or have a very slow loading speed.
  • We also use services offered by third parties for functionality, advertising, and analysis that may include their own cookies. You can learn more about how these are used on the providers’ pages.
  • Google Analytics & Recaptcha – Analysis and functionality
  • Facebook – Analysis

8. Plugins and Tools

  • To the extent that you use our website, you can interact with the plugins of other services such as: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google, Pinterest, Twitter, Linkedin. By doing so, you agree to the use of these plugins and therefore to the transfer of personal data to the respective platforms.
  • We have no control over the nature and purpose of this transmitted data, as well as over its further processing.

9. Disclosure of personal data:

  • Your personal data may be disclosed to certain recipients, respectively partners of our company, if this is necessary by contracting our services.

10. Data storage period:

  • Your data will be stored for a limited period of time, i.e. for the entire period of contracting the services and until the expiration of their contracting period. Invoicing data will be deleted according to the obligations imposed by law in this regard.

11. Transfer of personal data outside the EU or EEA:

  • does not transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU or EEA.

12. Security of personal data:

  • The security of information received from visitors or customers is very important to us. The servers on which the data are stored have implemented security measures, such as:
  • recovery of personal data
  • discovery of security holes
  • discovering the causes of security breaches
  • limitation of security breach
  • If we discover that there has been a breach of the security of your personal data, we will immediately inform the management of the company holding the servers, which will take all measures to restore the security of the data, will make every effort to mitigate the immediate risk of damage and will notify the Supervisory Authority about the security incident, if the violation is likely to lead to a high risk for the rights and freedoms of the people whose personal data security has been affected.

13. User rights:

According to the new GDPR Regulation, we present to you below, what are the rights you have as users/customers of

  • The right to information – refers to the right to be informed on all the previously presented issues.
  • The right of access – you have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether or not we are processing your personal data and, if so, access to the respective data and to information on the manner in which the data are processed.
  • The right to opposition – the right to oppose the processing of personal data if the processing is necessary for the performance of a task that serves a public interest. Also, if the processing of personal data is aimed at direct marketing, you have the right to oppose the processing at any time.
  • The right to data portability – you have the right to receive personal data in a format that can be read automatically and that allows the data to be transmitted directly to another operator.
  • The right to delete data (“the right to be forgotten”) – you can request that the data be deleted, without undue delay, if the following situations occur: the data are no longer necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected or processed; you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing; you oppose the processing and there are no legitimate reasons that prevail; personal data were processed illegally; personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation; personal data were collected in connection with the provision of information society services.
  • The right to data restriction – you have the right to request the restriction of data for a period of time, for example, in the situation where the decision to delete your data has been made and you consider them useful in different situations, such as exercising a right in court. Also, if you dispute the accuracy of the data or the processing is illegal, you can request the restriction of the data. Thus, after receiving a request from you and following its verification, we will stop the processing of personal data for a period of time.
  • The right to rectification of data – you can request the rectification of certain personal data, if they are incomplete or inaccurate. Thus, depending on the purpose of the processing, you can complete and then transmit the personal data that are missing or incorrect, it being even possible to complete a declaration for compliance.
  • The right to file a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data, when you find that your rights have been violated regarding the processing of personal data.

14. How you can contact us:

For any questions and requests regarding the processing of personal data, you can contact us as follows:

  • by email to the address: ;
  • to the mailing address: DJ100, Tarla 20, Parcela 95/16, Stefanestii de Jos, Ilfov, Romania – Aragon Group

Regardless of the way you choose to submit your request to us, we will do our best to resolve all requests and/or complaints in the shortest possible time.


Incepand cu 25 mai 2018  se aplica Regulamentul UE nr. 679/2016, cunoscut drept Regulamentul General privind Protectia Datelor Personale (GDPR), care spune in principiu ca informatiile pe care le detinem despre clienti sunt informatii confidentiale si nu pot circula liber sau sa fie accesate public.

1. Colectarea datelor personale

Solicitam anumite date personale in cazul in care doriti contactarea echipei noastre in scopul contractarii serviciilor pe care le oferim, fie ca persoana fizica ori in numele unei companii, prin utilizarea formularului de contact.

2. Tipul de date personale pe care le colectam si in ce scop:

  • Nume – colectam aceasta informatie ca urmare a completării de către dumneavoastra a formularului de contact.
  • Email – colectam aceasta informatie pentru a putea da curs cererii dumneavoatră de a fi contactat.
  • Număr de telefon –  colectăm această informație, pentru a vă putea contacta, în cazul în care veți folosi formularului de contact și ne furnizați numărul de telefon.
  • Adresa IP – automat, de fiecare dată când vizitați site-ul, adresa dumneavoastră IP este colectată și stocată pe un server. Nu o folosim in niciun scop.

3. De la cine colectam datele personale:

  • Direct de la dumneavoastra, atunci cand ne contactati telefonic.
  • Electronic, folosind formularul de contact de pe pagina noastra sau prin e-mail.

4. Furnizarea datelor personale este:

  • Voluntara, fara a avea in vedere incheierea ulterioara a unei relatii comerciale

5. Prelucrarea datelor personale are loc in urmatoarele situatii:

  • Atunci cand exista o cerere din partea clientilor/potentialilor clienti (cerere verbala sau scrisa).
  • Atunci cand primim o cerere de oferta, indiferent de modul in care a fost trimisa (prin email, formular de contact, verbal).

6. Scopul prelucrarii datelor personale:

  • Datele dvs. vor fi prelucrate numai in scopurile mentionate la punctul 2. din prezenta informare.
  • In cazul in care datele dvs vor trebui prelucrate in alte scopuri decat cele prezentate la punctul 2, va vom informa inainte de a le prelucra, iar acestea vor fi prelucrate numai cu acordul dumneavoastra.

7. Cookie-uri:

  • Cookie-urile sunt fragmente de informatie pe care site-ul le transfera utilizatorilor pentru a putea tine evidenta. In timp ce va aflati pe un site, cookie-urile salveaza preferintele dumneavoastra si astfel fac navigarea pe web mai usoara. Majoritatea website-urilor folosesc cookie-uri. Acestea nu sunt folosite pentru stocarea informatiilor personale, ele ne arata cum si cand vizitatorii folosesc site-ul, si ne ajuta sa vedem care sunt zonele populare si care nu sunt.
  • Folosim cookie-uri (texte speciale) pentru o buna evaluare a comportamentului utilizatorilor pe website-urile noastre in scopul oferirii serviciilor de marketing in mod corect si pentru ca utilizatorul sa poata beneficia de toate facilitatile site-ului pe care il viziteaza (formular de cumparaturi, magazin online, etc, in functie de specificul website-ului). informatiile pe care le colectam prin cookies si gif-uri transparente pentru a crea un “profil” al preferintelor dumneavoastra.
  •  Puteti dezactiva cookie-urile folosind preferintele browserului. Astfel, puteti seta browser-ul sa refuze toate cookie-urile sau sa indice atunci cand un cookie este trimis. Insa, va aducem la cunostinta faptul ca, atunci cand cookie-urile sunt dezactivate, este foarte posibil ca anumite functionalitati ale website-ului sa nu poata fi folosite ori sa aiba o viteza de incarcare foarte lenta.

8. Plugins și Tools

  • În măsura în care utilizați website-ul nostru puteti interactiona cu plugin-urile altor servicii precum: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google, Pinterest, Twitter ori Linkedin. Făcând acest lucru, sunteți de acord cu utilizarea acestor plugin-uri și, prin urmare, cu transferul de date cu caracter personal către platformele respective.
  • Nu deținem controlul asupra naturii și scopului acestor date transmise, precum și asupra procesării ulterioare a acestora.

9. Dezvaluirea datelor personale:

  • Datele dvs. personale pot fi dezvaluite anumitor destinatari, respectiv parteneri ai firmei noastre, in cazul in care prin contractarea serviciilor noastre, este necesar acest lucru .

10. Perioada de stocare a datelor:

  • Datele dvs vor fi stocate pe o perioada de timp limitata, respectiv pe toata perioada contractarii serviciilor si pana la expirarea duratei de contractare a acestora. Datele de facturare vor fi sterse conform obligatiilor impuse de lege in acest sens.

11. Transferul datelor personale in afara UE, SEE:

  • nu transfera datele dvs. personale, catre tari din afara UE sau SEE.

12. Securitatea datelor personale:

  • Securitatea informatiilor primite din partea vizitatorilor sau a clientilor, este foarte importanta pentru noi.  Serverele pe care datele sunt stocate, au implementate masuri de siguranta, precum:
  • recuperarea datelor personale
  • descoperirea breselor de securitate
  • descoperirea cauzelor breselor de Securitate
  • limitarea incalcarii securitatii
  • In cazul in care descoperim faptul ca s-a produs o incalcare a securitatii datelor dvs personale, vom informa imediat managementul companiei titulare a serverelor, aceasta urmand a lua toate masurile pentru restabilirea securitatii datelor, va depune toate eforturile pentru atenuarea riscului imediat de producere a unui prejudiciu si va notifica Autoritatea de Supraveghere cu privire la incidentul de securitate, daca încălcarea este susceptibilă să ducă la un risc ridicat pentru drepturile și libertatile persoanelor carora le-a fost afectata securitatea datelor personale.

13. Drepturile utilizatorilor:

Conform noului Regulament GDPR, va prezentam in cele de mai jos, care sunt drepturile pe care le aveti in calitate de utilizatori/clienti ai

  • Dreptul la informare – se refera la dreptul de a fi informati asupra tuturor aspectelor prezentate anterior.
  • Dreptul de acces– aveti dreptul de a obtine confirmarea din partea noastra ca prelucram sau nu datele cu caracter personal care va privesc si, in caz afirmativ, acces la datele respective si la informatii privind modalitatea in care sunt prelucrate datele.
  • Dreptul la opozitie– dreptul de a va opune prelucrarii datelor personale daca prelucrarea este necesara pentru indeplinirea unei sarcini care serveste unui interes public. Deasemenea, daca prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal are drept scop marketingul direct, aveti dreptul de a va opune prelucrarii oricand.
  • Dreptul la portabilitatea datelor –aveti dreptul de a primi datele personale intr-un format care sa  poata fi citit automat  si care sa permita ca datele sa fie transmise direct altui operator.
  • Dreptul la stergerea datelor (“dreptul de a fi uitat”)– puteti solicita ca datele sa fie sterse, fara intarzieri nejustificate, in cazul in care apar urmatoarele situatii: datele nu mai sunt necesare pentru indeplinirea scopurilor pentru care au fost colectate sau prelucrate; iti retragi consimtamantul si nu exista niciun alt temei juridic pentru prelucrare; te opui prelucrarii si nu exista motive legitime care sa prevaleze; datele cu caracter personal au fost prelucrate ilegal; datele cu caracter personal trebuie sterse pentru respectarea unei obligatii legale; datele cu caracter personal au fost colectate in legatura cu oferirea de servicii ale societatii informationale.
  • Dreptul la restrictionarea datelor – aveti dreptul de a cere restrictionarea datelor pe o perioada de timp, de exemplu, in situatia in care s-a luat decizia stergerii datelor dumneavoastra iar dumneavoastra considerati ca va sunt utile in diferite situatii, precum exercitarea unui drept in instanta. De asemenea, in cazul in care contestati acuratetea datelor ori prelucrarea este ilegala, puteti solicita restrictionarea datelor.  Astfel, in urma primirii unei cereri din partea dumneavoastra si in urma verificarii acesteia, vom stopa prelucrarea datelor personale pe o perioada de timp.
  • Dreptul la rectificarea datelor – puteti solicita rectificarea anumitor date personale, in cazul in care acestea sunt incomplete sau inexacte. Astfel, in functie de scopul prelucrarii, puteti completa si apoi transmite datele personale care lipsesc sau nu sunt corecte, fiind posibila chiar completarea unei declaratii pentru conformitate.
  • Dreptul de a depune o plangere la Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal, atunci cand constatati ca v-au fost incalcate drepturile cu privire la prelucrarea datelor personale.

14. Cum ne puteti contacta:

Pentru orice intrebari si orice solicitari cu privire la prelucrarea datelor personale, ne puteti contacta astfel:

  • la adresă de corespondenţă: DJ100, Tarla 20, Parcela 95/16, Stefanestii de Jos, Ilfov, Romania – Aragon Grup

Indiferent de modalitatea pe care o alegeti pentru transmiterea cererii catre noi, vom face tot posibilul sa rezolvam toate cererile si/sau plangerile intr-un timp cat mai scurt.